
—— APAC ——

Vietnam MIC Vietnam has officially released Circular 04/2018

Today MIC Vietnam has officially released Circular 04/2018/TT-BTTTT to replace existing Circular 42/2016/TT-BTTTT - Regulations on list of products subjected to MIC Type Approval and Declaration of Conformity. The new Circular shall take effect from 01 July 2018 together with several new National Technical Regulations introduced by MIC Vietnam recently. The official Circular 04/2018/TT-BTTTT is a bit different from the first draft version introduce by MIC Vietnam on Jan 2018
l   WLAN and Bluetooth are now listed on Short Range Devices category
l   Short range devices are subjected to Type Approval and Declaration of Conformity. Type Approval and SDoC certificates will be required for Bluetooth, WLAN, Zigbee, LoRa and other IoT or SRD applications even though these product could have maximum RF power less than 60mW.
l   Many other radio devices (transmitters and transceivers), to be exempted from Type Approval (TA) certification, Declaration of Conformity (DoC) will be required still for a part of TA exempted products.
n   Non-radio will be moved from the list of product subjected to TA (Appendix I) to the list of product subjected to DoC (Appendix II)
n   Radio devices using old technique are exempted.
l   EMC requirements will be exempted from Type Approval certification but required for Declaration of Conformity certification
l   Safety requirements of QCVN 101:2016/BTTTT (equal to IEC 62133:2012) will be required for Lithium Battery during the lifetime of the new circular. Document No. 886/BTTTT-KHCN (official guidance for Circular 42) will be automatically invalid when the new circular enter in effect and local testing for lithium battery (applied for mobile phone, tablet, and notebook PC) will be required if there is no further guidance on Lithium Battery certification released by MIC Vietnam.
l   Total lead time to obtain Type Approval certificate can be shortened due to less requirements.
l   QCVN 112:2016/BTTTT will replace QCVN 18:2014/BTTTT for  WLAN devices
l   QCVN 18:2014/BTTTT & QCVN 112:2016/BTTTT are both applicable as EMC requirement for WCDA or LTE and some other radio products
CINRIO: CINRIO Certification Consulting Co., Ltd.